So many butts!


Something is happening in the forest... ...but Little Squirrel can't see what it is. He is so tiny, and now all these animals have gotten in his way (How Many Butts!). Come and discover this original and captivating story in this production specially made for tablets and smartphones. You can listen to the story or read it on your own, interact with the characters, enjoy a lively musical clip, and even play two different games.

Technical Details:

  • App-book
  • Contains animations, soundtrack, interactivity. Includes memory and recognition games, and a musical clip.
  • Available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
  • Partnership with Webcore Games and Pulo do Gato Animation Studio.
  • Original song by Paulo Bira and Fernando França Pereira
  • ISBN: 978-85-67767-01-7

Winner in the Digital Children's category - 3rd Place


ISABEL MALZONI She is a writer, editor of children's and young adult books, and, since 2014, the creator of Editora Caixote. She graduated in Journalism from Faculdade Cásper Líbero and worked as a reporter for magazines and newspapers before transitioning to the publishing industry.

CECILIA ESTEVES Cecília Esteves is a licensed architect from FAUUSP and has training in animation from the Centre de Formation Technologique Gobelins de Paris. Since 1998, she has her own studio where she develops illustration work for books, institutional materials, and character creation for design studios and publishers.